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- From the Leadership Team
- National Reconciliation Week
- Hats
- Special Lunch Wednesday 16 June
- Primary Camp
- Email Addresses for parents
- Year 6 and 7 Transition to High School
- Big Mathematics Days in 5/6 and 6/7
- Explaining the Super Blood Moon and Lunar Eclipse
- School Sport SA Girls' Netball
- Credit Union SA
- Wonder Recycling Rewards Program
- Back Page - Ms Rigney's Year 5/6 class
Last Friday, we had a special assembly to acknowledge and celebrate Reconciliation Week. This year the theme is More than A Word.
Our assembly featured songs by Ms. Pullman and Ms. Rigney's classes, students in Ms. Power's class and the Senior Choir who were accompanied by our ukelele instrumental group and Mia D on the keyboard. Thank you to Mrs. Anna Theodosi for leading and supporting our students as they performed.
The 2021 National Reconciliation Week theme graphics are drawn from the artwork of Jessica Johnson. The artwork reflects connection and mutual obligation to one another, community and Country. Through commonality and difference, we have the ability to come together and achieve real change.
Elements of her artwork include:
- Spirit souls = thinking/awareness
- The undulating landscape is shown through the contours at the base of the artwork.
- Moons/planet = Represent cycle and time.
- Stars = Navigation and knowing the way.
- Boomerang = Coming full circle. 20 boomerangs represent the 20 years of Reconciliation Australia.
- Reflection = Reflecting on our actions.
- Central river = The crying river represents the degradation and needed renewal.
A sincere than you to Mrs. Deb Hampton (our Aboriginal Education Teacher) and Erin Douglas (our ACEO) for their work in supporting our staff and students to learn about Reconciliation and what it means in the context of Australia. We have a range of resources and picture books in the library to support conversations you may have about Reconciliation. Once of them is called 'Finding Our Heart' by Thomas Mayor. You can watch him reading his story at the Bendigo Writers' Festival last year via the YouTube link below:
Finding the Heart Thomas Mayor - YouTube
Our goal is for all Australians to understand and value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous cultures, rights and experiences, to create stronger relationships based on trust and respect and that are free of racism. This can happen through one action and one conversation at a time, and we all have a part to play in this.
Kind Regards
Penny Wilde Belinda Finlay-Smith Christine MacLean
Principal Deputy Principal Acting Wellbeing Leader
Do you know why Reconciliation Week is commemorated on the same dates every year, and has done so for the last 20 years?
26 May 1998 was the first National Sorry Day. This annual event commemorates the anniversary of the ‘Bring Them Home’ report and remembers the grief, suffering and injustices experienced by the stolen generation.
27 May 1967 Referendum. On this day over 90% of Australian people voted Yes for Aboriginal Rights. The first change meant that Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders could be protected by the same laws as the rest of the population and the second change meant they were included in the census.
3 June is Mabo Day. This day commemorates Mer Island man Eddie Koiki Mabo and his successful efforts to overturn the legal fiction of terra nullius, or ‘land belonging to no-one.’ On this day in 1992 the High Court of Australia made a historic decision which recognised native title.
This year’s theme for Reconciliation Week is More than a word: Reconciliation takes action urges the reconciliation movement towards braver and more impactful action.
In line with the Pimpala Sun Smart Policy, hats are not required to be worn in the Winter months, 1st June to 31st August.
This is a great opportunity to take your child’s hat home and give it a wash before Spring when the students will need to wear them again.
Special Lunch Wednesday 16 June
Don't forget the Balfours Special Lunch will be held on Wednesday, 16th June, 2021. Students can choose from a number of options for both recess and lunch and gluten free options are available.
Each order includes one bakery good - served at recess time and one hot pastry item (with optional sauce) - served at lunch time. Please see the order form for details.
Orders are due by 9:00am next Monday, 7th June.
Payment options include:
Pay on the Qkr! app and complete the form online.
Pay at the Finance Window Monday - Friday from 8:30am - 9:15am
Phone payments are accepted between 9:15am - 3:00pm
With the Mylor Adventure Camp only 3 months away, we need to confirm numbers so we can organise the activities and food. We are very busily organising camp and planning some amazing experiences for our students. More information will come out in the next few weeks about what to bring and what we will be doing there.
The students from Ms Wickham, Ms Yates, Ms Stanley and Ms Power’s classes will be attending camp on the 16th, 17th, 18th of August.
The students from Ms Rigney, Mr Burns, Ms MacLean and Mr Branson’s classes will be attending camp on the 23rd, 24th, 25th of August.
Can you please confirm whether your child/ren will be attending Mylor Adventure Camp in August by the end of Week 6, Friday, 6th June 2021?
You can do this on QKR, by contacting the Administration Office or by contacting your child's teacher on Seesaw.
Can you please make sure we have the current email address, for both enrolling parents/caregivers.
We often use email as a mode of communication to families so this is important.
It is also important for families whose students will be attending high school next year. A new Education Department process is being introduced where enrolment packs will be emailed to families this year, instead of the usual hard copy. We want to make sure that you don't miss out so please update your email addresses with the Administration Office as soon as possible. To assist with this process we've sent home a report with all family details for each student, for parents/caregivers to verify, make changes and return and urge you to you make this a priority
Year 6 and 7 Transition to High School
Thank you to everyone who has completed the on-line high school preferences form. Enrolment offers will be made by Friday, 13th August, 2021.
Big Mathematics Days in 5/6 and 6/7
On Thursday (week 5) the Upper Primary classes joined forces to get involved in some interactive hands on Mathematics measurement learning. It was so exciting to see classes a buzz with the chatter about all things measurement. Here are some of the responses from students:
“I liked learning about area and perimeter and the scavenger hunt!” Zeeshan
“All learning was equally inspiring and fun.” Mia
“I loved designing handball courts because it was fun to draw our designs with chalk and identifying angles.” Charlize
“My highlight was doing the scavenger hunt because it was fun and amazing!” Calin
“I liked seeing how far I could kick a footy and measuring the distance with a trundle wheel.” Gemma
Explaining the Super Blood Moon and Lunar Eclipse
On Wednesday last week, there was a Super Moon and a Blood Moon. While there have been a few of these over the past years, the next Super Blood Moon won't occur until October 2033.
If you are unsure of how and why these occur, the link below may help.
Explaining Lunar Eclipses and the SUPER BLOOD MOON! - YouTube
Vance Smith
Science Specialist